Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Crisis of Creativy: The New Angst

This comes out a few hours just after I realise I might be having a crisis of creativity. I'm not even sure what I mean by that myself. The little I'm able to make out of it is that I do not feel in the least like a fulfilled artist, especially when I take into consideration my output over the last two years. I feel like I have on my hands a plane that can't fly (think Howard Hughes). It's some sort of angst that causes me to question my artistic capabilities, walk away from what I'm doing right now, and pick up something else, something new that will bring some excitement. Of course, I learned a long time ago to finish what I started, so it's not like I'm going to drop any current projects. In fact, I think I'll go ahead with even those I've been planning for the near future. I don't need something new to do, what I need is some quiet time to ask myself some hard questions, remind myself why I'm doing what I'm doing, and rediscover a vision for the totality of my art. (I eye my Bible as I write this last statement.)

For now, I just need to buckle up and finish Yaro (my new short film). Then I can make sense of the rest of my life.